Scarcity Builder

Scarcity Builder

Scarcity Builder OverView:
ScarcityBuilder was designed to add urgency to any page on your WordPress sites. Use on Sales Pages, Affiliate Promotion Pages, Squeeze Pages, One-Time Offer (OTO) Pages, Pre-Launch Pages, the list goes on…

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Front End :
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Main Features

Scarcity Builder Pros
Build scarcity
As mentioned before, one of the biggest driving factors which will cause someone to buy is the threat that the deal will not be there. People who are on the fence or unsure about a product are far more likely to buy it if there is a time constraint on the deal than if it will be that same price later. Items which always stay the same price, or are likely to stay the same price for several weeks, give a user time to shop, browse, check reviews, or any number of things. But if your user feels that they are up against the clock with only a day or even a few hours left in the promotion before they have to pay full price for something they might want, the clock is likely to push them over the fence and cause them to instinctually buy. This knee jerk reaction to buy because an item is about to become more expensive is a powerful sales tactic and one that Scarcity Builder helps you to exploit. With the ability to set up any promotion for any level of deal to last for any period of time that you want, Scarcity Builder has brought scarcity building down to a science.
Variable scarcity
One of the great tools about Scarcity Builder is the huge variety of ways in which you can utilize this tool. For instance, you can design it so that the clock will automatically reset after it runs out causing there to be a permanent countdown clock and give the illusion of coming price increase. However, since the price increase never actually occurs, you continue to reap the rewards. It will not take long before savvy customers realize this trick, which is why Scarcity Builder also gives you other variable settings as well.
One of the other fantastic settings given to you by Scarcity Builder is the ability to utilize an individual’s cookies to create a personalized countdown timer for them. A user in Rocky Mountain Time may come on to your site and see that they have a few hours left in the promotion whereas users in the Eastern Standard Time have less. This personalized level of countdown timer means that you can utilize time zones or individualized cookies to create
individualized countdown results. This means that somebody simply restarting their computer is not going to be enough for them to re-hack your time clock. This creates true scarcity as individuals will actually have to buy before a deal runs out for them.

Scarcity Builder Cons
Artificial scarcity
This was somewhat alluded to under the variable scarcity header but it bears greater explanation and that is that scarcity only works either as long as it is true, or your users believe it is true. If somebody bought your product believing they only had a few moments left in the sale and then less than an hour later your sales clock is counting down again, these individuals may feel that they were misled or falsely advertised to. After all, there was no real scarcity as the clock was going to re-hack. It also can cause a sense of embarrassment or even disdain towards you or your product for what makes them feel like they were compelled to buy by believing that there was a time constraint when in fact that time constraint was a lie. Using Scarcity Builder responsibly in a way that does not upset or alienate clients is an essential element for continued success using this marketing tactic.

If you are able to use this tool responsibly then it can produce exceptionally high yields. Tapping into the human psyche to achieve a deal before the time constraints are over as well as the ability to track and analyze how successful various scarcity campaigns have been and create customized scarcity for different users based on location are all fantastic tools which savvy marketers can use to exponentially grow their sales and profits.

>>Click Here to get Product and Your Bonus<<

  • SPECIAL BONUS 1 – MultiNetwork Poster
  • QTnD4MV
  • SPECIAL BONUS 2 – ContentLynk
  • ad93zbk
  • SPECIAL BONUS 3 – AK Booster Pro
  • SyrMW6W
  • SPECIAL BONUS 4 – FB MultiPoster
  • XO7SzEC
  • SPECIAL BONUS 5 – GramHood
  • whytj21
  • SPECIAL BONUS 6 – Serp Scribe
  • shZwfSy
  • SPECIAL BONUS 7 – RankMe
  • qOMpqc5
  • SPECIAL BONUS 8 – Traffic Fresh
  • oLma7Gw

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