After a year of testing and using this never-before-seen Free tool, Timothy Black will be launching a Video Course showing anyone how they can making $5000 or more a month simply finding distressed sites and sending a simple email. all in a few clicks.
This Secret Tool, automatically finds the sites, creates an amazing report and then emails the prospects. All without leaving the software. And it’s free. Just sit back, let the tool find prospects and email for you. You will only hear back from people who are interested. And about 50% will be interested.
After that, it’s just a matter of updating the outdated site. This course show your client how to do that too. They won’t have to do any technical work at all. Just collect an easy $500 to $1000 per sale. An hour of work a day or less and they can start collecting $1000 by the end of their first week.
In a couple weeks, the way they earn an income will be changed forever. This is a newbie friendly system that will have your customers stuffing their Paypal accounts full of cash almost instantly.
Timothy has had his own Local Marketing Agency since 2009 and is ready to start helping other people work for themselves and make a 6 figure income too, with minimal effort.
He’s been on W+ nearly as long, mostly as a buyer. Now, as a high level student of Kenny Cannon he is ready to start launching courses and products to help your customers all while helping youm the affiliate get paid.
All 2 Your First Client OTOs Links Below
=>> Your First Client FE Details
- How you can get started TODAY without an email list, product, service or idea
- The simple process to ‘stealing' people's info so you can contact them ethically
- How to get paid before you even do any work. And you actually won't be doing the work.
- Why you should forget about “3 Click To Make Money” mindset. If it worked, you'd never buy more than 1
- The simple steps to take this method and scaling it up to a job-destroying online RESULTS in your spare time
- How to run this entire system and get RESULTS without spending more than 60 minutes per day at your computer
- Plus, get access to all sorts of new, insider tricks to making money that you have NEVER seen before
- Bonus: Contract Paperwork
- Bonus: Invoices
- Bonus: 90 Minutes of Training
=>> Your First Client OTO1
- My Done For You Email Swipe Package That Can Make You Money On Autopilot For Years To Come!
=>> Your First Client OTO2
- 30 Days Of Private Email Coaching
- A Private Support System Only For Coaching Students (my private email)
- 24 Response Time For All Questions
- My Double Digit Copywriting Tactics For
- Better Email Conversion (MORE CLIENTS)
- Underground places to find High Paying Clients
- Quick and Dirty Advanced Sales Strategies
- Sales Funnels that bank CASH with either your own products or affiliate offers
- The BEST Sales Training Available To Anyone Anywhere!
- And Much More…
>>Click Here to get Product and Your Bonus<<
- 1- Clear Your cookies in your Web Browser before using DemonVsRobot bonuses link, to make sure you will get all bonuses
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- 3- After completing your order , send [Your name and WSO receipt id] in a message to my FB Account at: or Send a mail to
- 4- You will receive all theses bonuses within 24 hours.
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- SPECIAL BONUS 1 – MultiNetwork Poster
- SPECIAL BONUS 2 – ContentLynk
- SPECIAL BONUS 3 – AK Booster Pro
- SPECIAL BONUS 4 – FB MultiPoster
- SPECIAL BONUS 5 – GramHood
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